How much does it cost to build a bridge
We build bridges in people’s lives in many ways: phone calls, FaceTime, Zoom meetings, in person and even through text, when necessary.
Whether it’s a small “footbridge” that could take a few hours or an ongoing relationship with us that results in the long-term, sustainable change and growth someone is hoping for- it took our time, our most valuable resource, to meet someone’s need.
No bridge maintains itself.
No bridge hovers magically over the gap it is designed to connect.
No Bridge is built without someone’s resources and energy expended.
Structurally sound and effective bridges always take time to construct, whether we’re talking about physical bridges or “life-bridges”.
We do not talk about finances when responding to a crisis or when asked for counseling, teaching or mentoring time. Just because we don’t does not mean we have no need for donations. We need your financial support.
Some feel we should put a price on our time. We don’t see it that way. We aren’t for ‘hire’. We aren’t a business. Bridges To Destiny is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization set apart for the good of others.
If we bring value to your life, then we encourage you to give.
Giving when you receive is a heart matter.
As we have the time and the opening in our schedule, we spend time where we feel we can meet the need, not stopping to require exacting remuneration for our time.
Remembering someone and putting a value on what they do by giving is an expression of honor.
Some people are in survival mode and have no current way to give. Some people can give, but forget to give.
Everyone has a different capacity and is in a different season. So, according to your season and capacity, our request is simply:
“Treat us like you would want to be treated”
Bridges To Destiny, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
All gifts are tax deductible.